Definition of Slick

smooth, skillful, and efficient in manner of execution or functioning, appearing impressive and apparently effortless;

e.g. The movie had slick camera work that told the story very effectively.

smooth, sharp, and impressive on the surface and often effective, despite actually being shallow and insincere;

e.g. His slick manner made him appear charming even though his motives were dishonest.

smooth, shiny, and slippery in texture, often glossy and wet or greasy;

e.g. The roads were slick due to the rain and ice from the previous night.

to apply some liquid or fluid to something, in a way that makes it shiny, slippery, and greasy/wet;

e.g. He used his hands to slick gel into his hair.

a patch of something that is smooth and glossy due to being wet or greasy;

e.g. The tanker left a slick of oil on the surface of the water.

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