Definition of Shine

sparkle, glitter or give out a bright light (of a light source or personality);

e.g. After the storm, the sun will shine once again.

to direct a light, in order to improve what can be seen;

e.g. Shine your flashlight over here, he said.

to have a bright glowing appearance, with either reflected light, or emotion;

e.g. He enjoyed the shine in her eyes whenever she was up to mischief.

an act of rubbing to create a shiny appearance;

e.g. My mother used to call it a spit-shine: it's rubbing and polishing your leather shoes so that they shine.

to be glossy, or have a quality of brightness, from reflected light;

e.g. We used fixtures made of brushed nickel, which doesn't have much shine to it, but the metal does give off an understated warmth.

to be outstanding, talented, or perform extremely well: like the shine of a bright light;

e.g. Make India shine again, with its graciousness, its culture, and its farming.

to make bright by rubbing and polishing;

e.g. When one takes the time to shine up brass, the effect is amazing

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