Definition of Dark

having little to no light, or reflecting very little light and thus appearing partially black;

e.g. After the sun went down, it got very dark outside. The leaves were dark green in color.

characterized by unpleasantness, in the form of gloom or unhappiness, tragedy or grimness, for forces of evil;

e.g. This was a dark period on the nation's history. They shared dark stories of things going horribly wrong. The murderer was planning his dark deed.

mysterious or secret, unclear or unknown, often due to being so remote as to be unexplored;

e.g. No-one knows much about her dark past or where she came from.

a state of having little to no light, a place or time where such conditions exist, such as during the night, or the specific time when night falls;

e.g. He sat in the dark on the porch and waited for them to come home. She said she would be home before dark.

a deep color or shade with little lightness or brightness (often used as "darks");

e.g. When finishing a painting, the darks are part of the finishing touches.

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  • "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." -- Desmond Tutu


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