Definition of Chill

a feeling of cold, often accompanied by a literal or figurative shivering, caused by fever/illness or an intense emotion such as fear (often used as "chills" in both cases);

e.g. He was shaking with chills and he couldn't stop coughing. She felt a chill when she heard footsteps behind her.

broadly, a feeling of physical cold in one's surroundings, usually to an unpleasant/uncomfortable but tolerable degree;

e.g. I felt a chill in the morning air while walking to work, and knew that winter was coming.

a lack of feeling or warmth in manner, or an influence that causes one to lose one's enthusiasm or spirits;

e.g. There was a chill in their manner that suggested they wouldn't listen to our explanations.

somewhat cold or facing the effects of cold, either literally as due to low temperatures, or figuratively as due to a formal atmosphere or one that lacks feeling or spirit;

e.g. It was a chill day outside, so I made sure to take my coat. He spoke in a chill voice when telling her that he was disappointed with her work.

(informal) casual, relaxed, and tolerant in manner and/or behavior;

e.g. She seems to be a very chill person, and she never gets stressed out.

to become cold, or to make someone/something cold, for example to put food or drink in a refrigerator;

e.g. The wind was cold enough to chill him within minutes of his being outside. She decided to chill the salad so that it would stay fresh until they were ready to eat.

(informal) to relax and become calm, to spend time not doing much, often while socializing with other people;

e.g. We decided to chill at home instead of going out that evening.

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