Definition of Snap

quality of something that is done suddenly, in the spur of the moment, or without deliberation;

e.g. He made a snap decision to take a few days off of work to go visit his mother in the country.

an abrupt or sudden closing or seizing of something;

e.g. She closed her lunch box with a snap.

the vigor or energetic style or action;

e.g. The snap of her outfit was mainly because of the flashy boots she was wearing.

an irritable tone or manner of speaking or retort;

e.g. "Hurry up!" she said with a snap as she rolled her eyes.

a snapshot or picture;

e.g. The paparazzi took snaps of the actress as she left her apartment.

the sharp sound made by snapping something;

e.g. He closed his book with a snap and stormed out of the classroom.

sudden spell of weather;

e.g. She was not prepared for the city's cold snap, all she had was a sweater.

to break or cause to break suddenly with a sharp cracking sound;

e.g. As Rory walked in the woods, she could hear the twigs snap under her feet.

to close or seize suddenly;

e.g. She snapped her suitcase shut and loaded it in her car.

to retort or speak irritably with sharp or harsh words;

e.g. She was so stressed that she accidentally snapped at her husband when he asked her what was bothering her.

to take pictures or snapshots;

e.g. She spent most of her vacation snapping the scenic views of the Italian coast.

to bite or make an audible bite;

e.g. The dog was snapping at his leash in hopes to free himself.

to use the thumb and fingers to make a sharp and short sound;

e.g. They snapped their fingers to the beat of the song.

to suddenly lose one's temper or self control;

e.g. After weeks of being bullied by him, she just snapped and threw one punch at him in the hallway.

to move suddenly, briskly, or sharply;

e.g. The dog will snap to attention and make eye contact with you if you call him by his name.

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