Definition of Chunk

a roughly cut, solid, piece of something;

e.g. I cut a neat chunk of cheese from the block and wrapped it up.

a notably large quantity or part of something;

e.g. I lost a sizable chunk of money when playing poker.

a horse that is stout and strongly-built;

e.g. The horse is a good, hefty chunk and is stout.

to make a dull plunging sound;

e.g. You could hear the chunking of the stones when they fell in the well.

to cut or break into chunks or big pieces;

e.g. I chunked the cheese into pieces and decoratively placed them on a plate.

to disintegrate into pieces or chunks;

e.g. The milk has started to chunk because it has expired now.

to remove a chunk or big piece from something;

e.g. Construction machines have chunked out the roads.

(in psychology) to organize units of information into a single large unit that is retained in the memory and can be recalled easily;

e.g. It is easy to remember the phone number if you chunk the digits in three groups or chunks.

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