Definition of Charge

to ask for a particular amount of money to be paid as a fee/fare for a product or service, or to make a record of an amount of money that is to be paid by a person or account;

e.g. We will charge you for adding more toppings to your pizza. He asked that they charge the drink to his tab.

to claim that someone is guilty of something, to level an accusation at them, especially regarding a legal offense/crime;

e.g. They will charge her with reckless driving and make her pay a fine.

to store energy, especially electrical energy, in a battery or in some device that is powered by a battery;

e.g. She needs to charge her phone because its battery is running low.

the price, fee, or fare that is charged for some product or service;

e.g. There is a small charge for riding the public bus.

a duty, responsibility, or task assigned to someone, especially something that they are entrusted with taking care of or controlling;

e.g. The dog has been in their charge while its owners are on vacation.

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