Definition of Humble

modest in manner or behavior, not proud or arrogant, having a low or modest perception of one's importance;

e.g. The employees love that their boss is humble and treats them well.

respectful and deferential, showing a level of submission (and free from self-importance) in manner and/or expression;

e.g. She made a humble request that I was delighted to fulfill.

modest and unpretentious, not luxurious, costly, or of large scale;

e.g. Their house is humble but comfortable.

having a modest rank or status, especially in social, political, or administrative terms;

e.g. He had a humble upbringing but he grew up to become quite wealthy.

to make someone less proud or self-important in manner, behavior, or spirit;

e.g. These experiences will humble him and make him lose his arrogance.

to destroy someone's prestige or power, often by completely defeating them and especially when they were thought to be superior;

e.g. They were able to humble their overconfident rival team.

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