Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Rattle

to make a series of short, sharp noises in quick succession, typically by repeatedly striking hard objects or surfaces together, or to cause such a sound to be made;

e.g. He was careful not to let the plates rattle as he put them away in the cupboard.

to talk rapidly and/or without a pause, typically without much purpose or substance;

e.g. She listened to the child rattle about his toy train.

to move with a clattering sound, often used to describe the motion of a vehicle, may also be used figuratively to describe being or moving about in a space that is larger than necessary;

e.g. They heard the train over the bridge across the river.

to say or do/execute something in a brisk and energetic manner;

e.g. She began to rattle off a list of things she planned to do that day.

to upset or disturb someone, to the point that they lose their composure;

e.g. The news was shocking enough to rattle even the strongest among them.

a series of sharp clattering sounds in rapid succession, or more generally, an unwanted or bothersome noise;

e.g. The rattle and chaos in the room was giving me a headache.

a baby's toy that consists of a case filled with beads or pellets that make a clattering sound when shaken;

e.g. The baby shook the rattle and laughed at the sound it made.

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