Definition of Spread

to disperse over a particular space, to extend or be distributed over a significant area;

e.g. The news will spread rapidly among the people. These animals are spread all through the forests of the region.

to open something up or stretch it out so that it covers a wider area;

e.g. Use your hands to spread the paper flat on the table. I saw him spread his arms and give her a hug.

to apply a fairly even layer of some substance onto a surface or object;

e.g. I like to spread grape jelly over my toast.

the area or extent covered by something, or the process of extending or being distributed over an area;

e.g. I could see the spread of the city from the top of the tower. Take these steps to prevent the spread of the disease.

the variety or range within something;

e.g. There is a significant spread in the backgrounds of the people surveyed.

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  • "There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." -- Edith Wharton


English Words