Definition of Senior

older in age or having more experience, or intended for such people;

e.g. He is senior to her by a few years. You can receive a senior pass that gives you discounts at museums in the city.

(American) relating to a student's fourth year in a high school or college;

e.g. He is finishing his senior year at the university and expects to graduate in the spring.

having a higher rank and therefore holding a position of greater authority;

e.g. I am senior to them at the office, so they consult me on all of their decisions.

a person who is elderly and typically retired;

e.g. He is the most open-minded senior I have ever met.

a student in their fourth year at a high school or college;

e.g. She will be a senior next year, so she will be taking advanced classes.

broadly, a person of a higher rank or one holding a position of higher authority;

e.g. They asked their senior to approve the request for the supplies they needed.

someone who is older than another person by a particular amount;

e.g. His sister is three years his senior, so he often goes to her for advice.

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