Definition of Commanding

imposing or authoritative, expressing or indicating that one holds control or priority, for example (military) holding a position or rank of authority;

e.g. He had a commanding voice and manner, so everyone listened to him during the crisis. Their commanding officer told them her plans and gave them orders.

drawing attention and being physically dominant, either by being difficult to ignore or miss or by being broad and inclusive;

e.g. The tower is the most commanding and recognizable structure on the city's skyline. I had a commanding view of the town from the roof of the building.

exercising authority and giving direct orders, for example holding a military rank that gives one control of a unit;

e.g. He was commanding them to take their seats and stop talking. I am capable of commanding the troops effectively.

being in a physically high-up position and therefore being dominant for strategic reasons;

e.g. They built a fort commanding the whole plain.

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