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Definition of Twang

a characteristic manner of intonation or pronunciation of spoken language that is distinctive to a particular region or group of people, especially a nasal quality;

e.g. Her Australian twang makes her voice distinctive.

a harsh ringing sound such as that produced by plucking a string on a musical instrument;

e.g. I could hear the twang of his guitar behind the closed door.

the action of producing a harsh ringing sound by or as if by plucking a taut string (as on a musical instrument);

e.g. With each twang of her guitar's strings, her fingers became sorer.

a persistent element of something, e.g. a lingering odor or taste, or a distinctive trace or suggestion of something;

e.g. She tried to identify the twang of spice in the dish.

to speak with a nasal quality or intonation to one's voice;

e.g. He began to twang that he didn't know anything about the incident.

to make a harsh ringing sound or to cause such a sound to be made, by or as if by plucking the string of a musical instrument;

e.g. He got up suddenly from the bed, causing the springs in it to twang.

to twitch or throb due to tension or pain;

e.g. Her sprained ankle had started to twang, so she sat down as soon as she could.

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