Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Patter

to make a light sound that sounds like rapid repeated tapping, or to cause something to make this sound;

e.g. I heard the rain patter on the glass.

to move with quick steps, making light tapping sounds in the process;

e.g. I heard my dog patter towards the kitchen when I poured food into her bowl.

to speak quickly and smoothly, often without saying anything extremely significant, or to speak/sing quickly and smoothly as part of a performance;

e.g. He continued to patter until I told him I was trying to sleep. She was able to patter through the song keeping perfectly in rhythm.

a light sound resembling quick and repeated tapping;

e.g. I was bothered by the patter of her fingers tapping the desk.

the rapid and smooth stream of conversation used by a comedian or another performer;

e.g. He kept up his patter and paced his jokes so that we were always laughing.

a lengthy stream of talk, often not having any purpose;

e.g. She kept up a patter of meaningless remarks for the entire walk.

the specialized jargon or manner of speech used by a particular group of people;

e.g. I was barely listening to the salesman's patter as I browsed the products.

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