Definition of Original

relating to or resembling something's beginning stage, existing from the origin of something;

e.g. The original wood of the table was dark brown, but it has been painted over.

being the earliest or first instance or version of something, made personally or directly by an artist as opposed to being a copy or modification;

e.g. The museum displayed many original paintings by the artist. She read the novel in the original Russian in which it was written.

creative in action or thought, coming up with unusual or unique ideas without anyone else's input;

e.g. He is a very original storyteller, which makes his novels are very interesting to read.

something that serves as the first instance or version of something, the origin that is a basis for copies and further versions;

e.g. I took copies of the original and then returned the document to his desk.

a person who is unique or unusual in some way, for example due to their creative capacity or odd/eccentric manner or behavior;

e.g. The actress is known to be an original because of her excellent comedic performances.

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