Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Slip

to slide or skid for a shot distance, usually unintentionally due to a lack or loss of grip or balance;

e.g. The smooth floor caused me to slip and hit my head.

to move quickly and quietly, or to pass by without being noticed, to put something in a a particular position or place quickly, easily, and/or sneakily;

e.g. He hoped to slip into the house without being caught. The days slip by when you're having fun. I saw her slip the money into her bag.

to change to a different condition, often of a lower standard or inferior quality, and often in a way that is gradual and/or not easily noticed;

e.g. Her performance began to slip when she had more to do. Their expectations will slip over time.

to escape from something, for example to come loose from control or to not be remembered by someone;

e.g. Somehow, the dog always manages to slip its leash. I marked the appointment on my calendar so it wouldn't slip my mind.

the action of unintentionally sliding or skidding for a short distance on some surface, or an instance of this happening;

e.g. One slip on the wet rocks could make her fall into the river.

a minor mistake, usually the result of carelessness, or a reduction of standard or level;

e.g. He didn't want to make a slip of judgement. The slip in price has made this product more affordable.

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