Definition of Savory

having a flavor that is salty and/or spicy but not sweet, or having a rich/meaty umami flavor;

e.g. We like to eat savory snacks along with sweet ones.

having an appetizing and pleasant smell and/or taste, typically due to effective seasoning;

e.g. We could smell a variety of savory aromas coming from the kitchen.

pleasant and/or engaging to the mind, or morally acceptable or wholesome;

e.g. They didn't find it a very savory prospect, so they were not looking forward to it.

in British usage, a small serving of food, such as a snack or an appetizer, that is salty and/or spicy (as opposed to sweet);

e.g. I ate a savory or two and a slice of cake at the party.

an aromatic herb that belongs to the same family as mint and that is used as a seasoning in cooking;

e.g. The stew had a strong flavor of savory and black pepper.

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