a person, especially a man, who is unprincipled, worthless, and dishonest, and who usually does not have a permanent place of residence;
e.g. There was a rogue hanging around outside with whom they did not wish to interact.
a person who is dishonest or disreputable or who behaves in ways that one disapproves of, but who still seems attractive or likable;
e.g. The rogue is always pulling pranks and making jokes.
a large animal such as an elephant or horse that is inclined to misbehave, and especially in context of wild animals, one that lives apart from its group and shows destructive tendencies;
e.g. A rogue elephant has been damaging crops in this region.
a person or creature that displays some chance biological deviation from the standard, usually rendering them inferior;
e.g. The rogue tree yields fruits that never ripen.
to remove nontypical (due to being defective or diseased) plants from a field or crop;
e.g. They worked together to rogue the plants that had been affected by pests.
dishonest or corrupt in some way, especially in context of refusing to follow the accepted norms and laws of international behavior (used to describe a nation whose leaders engage in such conduct);
e.g. The allies joined forces to bring the rogue nation under their control.