Definition of Inclination

a tendency to adopt a particular state, character, quality, or action;

e.g. These vines have an inclination to droop down rather than climb up the trellis.

the natural tendency of a person to adopt a particular character, state of mind, feeling, or action, especially their affinity or liking for a particular activity;

e.g. His inclination towards learning music shows that he has the potential to be a great musician.

an instance of something's orientation deviating from the neutral horizontal/vertical position, i.e. an instance of something being inclined in a particular direction, or the degree of this slope or slant;

e.g. This hill has a moderate inclination, so it is not too much effort to climb to the top.

the action of tilting or inclining something, especially a body part;

e.g. Her inclination of her head expressed that she did not understand.

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