Definition of Ruffle

to disturb the order or arrangement of something, usually using one's hands, to shuffle or flip through something;

e.g. She began to ruffle the pages, looking for the list.

to erect or puff up the feathers, usually as a display or expression of anger, used to describe the behavior of a bird;

e.g. The birds all ruffle their feathers while sitting on the wall.

to disturb the tranquility or smoothness of something, to disturb or roughen it;

e.g. The winds ruffle the water of the lake and cause it to form ripples.

to bother or trouble someone or to upset their composure;

e.g. It takes a great deal to ruffle her, so she always appears calm.

to decorate something with a strip of gathered fabric that forms a frill;

e.g. Once I ruffle the skirt of the dress, it will be ready to wear.

a strip of fabric that is is gathered or pleated, usually along one edge, and used as a decoration on clothing;

e.g. The bottom of the blouse had a ruffle of lace.

some sort of disturbance, either of a surface (such as a ripple) or of a person (so as to cause them irritation);

e.g. There was hardly a ruffle on the pond's surface, and the water looked like glass. They were all in a ruffle due to the guest's unexpected arrival.

a state of chaos caused by a fight, argument, or some other conflict or commotion;

e.g. There was a ruffle going on outside the courthouse.

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