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Definition of Chance

a possibility or likelihood that something will happen (often used as "chances");

e.g. There is no chance of us meeting him there, since he is out of town. She thought about the chances of being able to arrive on time.

the specific likelihood that something will happen;

e.g. There is a chance that it will rain today.

an opportunity to do something specific, a situation that favors something being achieved;

e.g. I am excited to have a chance to meet the famous author.

luck or fortune, coincidence, the occurrence of events at random, without a specific plan or cause;

e.g. He happened, by chance, to be going in the direction we wanted to go, so he could give us a ride.

(informal) to risk doing something, typically despite its outcome being uncertain or dangerous;

e.g. She decided to chance asking them for a favor, in hopes that they would agree.

to find something or come upon it without meaning to;

e.g. If we chance upon a coffee shop, I will buy myself something there.

to happen without being planned or intended;

e.g. If I chance to see him some day, I will tell him I enjoyed reading his book.

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  • "I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances, be more active, show up more often." -- Brian Tracy


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