Definition of Compromise

a method of settling a dispute or arriving at an agreement that involves both parties making concessions/allowances;

e.g. Eventually, they arrived at a compromise that allowed each group to take turns using the shared space.

an intermediate state that is reached or agreed upon by mutual concessions and blending the qualities of two different/conflicting alternatives;

e.g. He suggested a compromise that involved combining the elements of both their ideas.

the action of conceding to or accepting something for the sake of convenience, especially when it is of a lower standard than is desirable (for example by being prejudicial or derogatory);

e.g. There can be no compromise when fighting for gender equality in the workplace.

to settle a dispute or come to an agreement by making mutual concessions;

e.g. Each of them agreed to compromise and adjust to the other's demands so they could arrive at a solution peacefully.

to accept or concede to something that is of a lower standard than desired for the sake of convenience, or to cause harm to or weakening of something by doing this;

e.g. They would never compromise on the quality of the materials they use. Her mistake could compromise the safety of the lab.

to put something in danger or bring it into disrepute by one's foolish, reckless, or indiscreet behavior;

e.g. They were careful to remain extremely quiet so that they would not compromise their location.

to make something vulnerable or cause it to function less effectively;

e.g. Such conditions compromise the effectiveness of the machine.

Similar Words

Opposite Words

Related Words

  • meet halfway


English Words