Definition of Living

the way a person supports their existence, i.e. the income they use for maintaining their life, or the way they earn this income;

e.g. He wants to make his living as a journalist, but he is struggling to find work.

a particular way or condition of life, or the action of pursuing this;

e.g. The seaside offered a peaceful living, so it was a good place for a vacation.

alive, having life, either literally as carrying out self-sustaining processes or figuratively as being active or currently functioning;

e.g. Taking care of a living creature like a pet or a plant can be fun and satisfying. Latin is no longer a living language, so many people don't see much point in studying it.

intended or suited for residing in, as opposed to doing other things like working, typically describing a space, room, or building;

e.g. This building has the living areas for the students of the school.

continuing to have life, remaining alive, often at a particular time or in a particular condition or way;

e.g. There is a high chance of her living a long life after this surgery. He was living in a nervous state because he was hiding from the police.

staying in a particular place and/or with particular people as one's permanent arrangement;

e.g. I have been living in this city for the past five years.

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