Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Blur

something that cannot be perceived clearly, something that can only be vaguely seen or heard, often because it moves or occurs so quickly;

e.g. The building appeared as a blur because of the dense fog. The car sped by in a blur without stopping.

something that is not clearly remembered, an impression or memory of events that is vague and indistinct, often because they happened so quickly;

e.g. Our vacation seemed like a blur, and I couldn't believe that it was already over.

a stain or smear that makes something appear unclear and indistinct;

e.g. There was a blur on the photograph where her face should have been.

to make something unclear or distinct either literally, as to make its outline/appearance vague or dim, or figuratively as to make it confused or unfocused;

e.g. The artist used her finger to blur the pencil lines and add shading to the picture. The heat started to blur their thinking, making it difficult to focus.

to spoil or obscure something by staining/smearing either literally or figuratively as by corrupting or contaminating it in some way;

e.g. The smudges on the glass blur our view through the window. These questions blur the boundary between two fields of study, since they are relevant to both fields.

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