Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Clip

a device that is used to hold objects together or secure them in position;

e.g. He used a clip to fasten the documents together.

a piece of jewelry or some other accessory that is fastened to one's clothing or hair using a pin;

e.g. She wore a jeweled clip in her hair.

to fasten something or hold multiple things together with a special device designed for this purpose;

e.g. They were told to clip their essays to their application forms.

to cut or trim something, usually using a tool such as scissors or shears and especially to make it shorter;

e.g. I wanted to clip the ends of my hair to remove the damaged parts. He started to clip the cord into pieces of the length he needed.

(British) to strike or hit something, especially when quickly passing by it;

e.g. I saw her bag clip the vase and make it fall to the ground.

the action of trimming or cutting something to make it shorter, often literally with a tool such as scissors or shears;

e.g. They gave the grass a clip so that the garden looked neater.

a short piece of video taken from a broadcast or a movie;

e.g. We watched a clip from a famous movie.

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