Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Balance

broadly, a state in which the physical weight of an object is evenly spread over space so that it can remain steady and stable, or a person's ability to maintain control over their body so that they remain in such a state and don't fall;

e.g. She maintained her balance by holding her arms out while walking on the tightrope. He has good balance, which makes him an excellent gymnast.

a state in which different elements are present in proper amounts (in proportion) or in equal amounts, or a state in which each element has an equal or appropriate level of importance;

e.g. They tried to conduct a balance of activities so that the children didn't get bored of doing the same thing all the time.

a state of mental and/or emotional stability;

e.g. I tried to regain my balance after hearing the shocking and upsetting news.

a device that is used for measuring how heavy thing are, especially one that has two pans attached to the ends of a beam;

e.g. She added grain to the balance until she had the correct weight.

a force, influence, or weight that serves to act against another force or weight;

e.g. The light salad provided a balance to the rich main dish at dinner.

broadly, the amount of something remaining at the end of a process, for example the amount of money left in a financial account after all credits and debits are considered;

e.g. He used some of the prize money to buy a new car and he placed the balance in a savings account.

to maintain a steady and stable position instead of tilting or falling, or to place or keep something in such a position;

e.g. I tried to balance the book on top of the tall stack.

to act against something and neutralize or counteract its influence;

e.g. He needed to drive very fast to balance the delay and arrive on time.

to arrange something so that its elements are present in appropriate or equal amounts;

e.g. She tried to balance humor with seriousness in her speech.

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  • "Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance." -- Brian Tracy


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