Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Neutral

impartial or unbiased, not favoring either side in an unbalanced or conflicted situation;

e.g. She said in a neutral voice that she didn't have enough information to know who to believe.

not having particular well-defined characteristics, often lacking positive traits, for example being of an essentially colorless hue;

e.g. He lived in a neutral building that looked the same as the ones next to it. They painted the wall a neutral whiteish shade.

not having a particular character of some property, for example not being either acidic or basic, or not being either positively or negatively charged;

e.g. Water is a neutral liquid that is neither an acid nor a base. This particle has a neutral character by which it isn't attracted to either electrode.

a person or entity who is unbiased or impartial in an unbalanced or conflicted situation;

e.g. He is a neutral who is present to help them resolve their disagreement.

a poorly-defined or mild color, such as a light beige or gray;

e.g. She selected a neutral for her shoes so that they would go with all of her outfits.

a position of an engine's gears by which they are not engaged with the driving parts of the engine;

e.g. He put the car in neutral so that they could push it out of the mud.

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