Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Tag

a label (which may be literal or figurative) attached to something or someone that offers identification, classification, and/or description;

e.g. The tag on the case says that he is the owner of this computer.

a name, word, or phrase that is used to identify and categorize/classify digital content such as social media posts as fitting into a particular topic;

e.g. She added a tag to her post so that people would be able to search for it.

a small part of something that is attached to a main body and that is typically distinctive from the main body in some way;

e.g. There was a tag in the sweater where the wool had gotten caught on a nail.

a phrase or quotation that is frequently repeated for emphasis or expressive effect, and that is often distinctive/characteristic in some way;

e.g. He knew from hearing that distinctive tag that it was actually her speaking.

to add a descriptive or identifying label or marker to something;

e.g. He used a machine to tag the products with price stickers before putting them on the shelves in the store.

to add something to the end of a communication, often as a weakly-connected detail or afterthought;

e.g. He added a page to tag his remarks at the end of the document.

to follow or accompany someone closely, often when one is not invited or wanted (usually used as "tag along");

e.g. The child wanted to tag along when her mother went to the store.

to add one or more distinctive words or phrases to some digital content so that it can be identified and classified as belonging to a particular topic;

e.g. He knows how to tag his blog posts so that they are easy to search for.

a game in which one person chases the others, and if they catch one of the other players, that player becomes the chaser;

e.g. The children were running around and playing a game of tag.

to touch someone and make them the chaser in a game of tag;

e.g. She touched me on the shoulder to tag me.

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