Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Preview

an opportunity to view or inspect something before it becomes generally known or accessible/available;

e.g. I gave them a preview of the room before the official tour began.

a showing, screening, or performance of an exhibition, movie, or play before it is officially open to the public, or a statement or commentary of a piece of media based on such a viewing;

e.g. The actors attended a preview of the movie. I read a preview of the exhibition and am now looking forward to visiting it.

a brief extract of an upcoming movie that is screened at a movie theater for publicity, or a selection of scenes from an upcoming TV show shown on TV for publicity;

e.g. He saw a preview for the movie and immediately became interested in it.

to view or inspect something before it becomes accessible/available to the public;

e.g. The director wanted to preview our costume choices for the performance.

to view a product or a piece of media before it becomes officially available to the public, or to be available to a small group of people before becoming publicly available, typically describing a play or movie;

e.g. The company will preview its new range of products and make any necessary changes based on the feedback they receive. The movie is scheduled to preview this weekend.

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  • "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions. " -- Albert Einstein


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