Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Drape

to loosely arrange cloth over something/someone so that it covers them, often falling in folds around them;

e.g. I watched the stylist carefully drape the white veil over my head.

to hang or be arranged in loose folds, typically describing fabric;

e.g. These fabrics drape well, which makes them ideal for wedding dresses.

to allow part or all of one's body to stretch out and hang loosely in a casual or careless way, especially when resting or relaxing;

e.g. She couldn't wait to drape herself on the couch and take a nap as soon as she reached home.

(American) a long piece of fabric that hangs in front of a window as a curtain (often used in the plural as "drapes");

e.g. She drew back the drape to see who was approaching the house.

(medicine) a sterile piece of fabric that is used to cover the parts of a patient's body that are not being operated on during surgery (often used in the plural as "drapes");

e.g. The surgical team placed drapes over the patient's body, leaving only the leg exposed.

the way in which a piece of fabric, especially clothing, is cut, or the arrangement or way in which it hangs and folds;

e.g. She fixed the drape of her shawl before leaving the house.

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