Mastering Classic C++ Programming: A Comprehensive Guide to Core Language Features and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Definition of Beyond

to or at the further side of something;

e.g. Our destination is just beyond those mountains.

outside the range of something or further than its limits;

e.g. Your request is beyond my abilities.

continuing to happen after a particular event or time;

e.g. He continued to drive his car beyond the age of seventy.

having achieved a certain level or progressed past/above a certain stage or amount;

e.g. They have never secured beyond forty percent of the votes.

to too great a degree or extent to be understood, achieved, or acted upon;

e.g. The building was damaged beyond repair.

excepting something (apart from it) or in addition to something (besides it);

e.g. She didn't give us much information beyond what we absolutely had to know.

to or at the further side of something, or past a particular extreme of something;

e.g. They plan on travelling to the forest and beyond, where they have never gone before.

after a particular event or time;

e.g. Their meeting lasted late into the afternoon and beyond.

greater than a certain number or above a particular amount;

e.g. He knew what he had to do, but nothing beyond.

something that lies in the unknown, outside of ordinary experience, especially with regards to life and death;

e.g. He is somewhat afraid of the beyond and what happens after one dies.

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