al·lur·ing | adjective
strongly enticing, fascinating, seductive, or attractive in a powerful or mysterious way;
e.g. He always found her alluring, and they were quite happy together.
am·bro·sia | noun
in Greek and Roman mythology, the food that is eaten by the gods, or a perfume or ointment that is used by the gods;
e.g. The paintings show platters of ambrosia beside the gods.
as·ton·ish·ing | adjective
amazing or impressive, causing someone to feel great wonder or surprise;
e.g. The size of the auditorium was astonishing since the building appeared average-sized from the outside.
Phrase & Idioms
shifting sands
something that is constantly changing, often making a person feel uncertain or very unpredictable
e.g. We need to get updated regularly to keep up with the shifting stand of technology.
Phrasal Verb
put (someone/something) through to (someone)
to connect a person using a phone to the person they want to speak to on the telephone.
e.g. Can you please put me through to the billing department?
"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself."
-- Henry Ward Beecher